Corner of Block For this face I chose to start with the corner of the block facing me Using a Face bit on a Die grinder– Draw on where the hair meets the forehead, & the chin. Next draw in a wide square nose & connect the lines to draw on the sides of the face Draw on the hair, for this example I chose kind of crazy hair Using a chainsaw- Cut out around the hair & a triangle from under the chin Back to the Face bit– Remove the material around the nose & under the brow. (leave the nose protruding) Push the forehead back, leaving only the brow & nose sticking out. Use the side of the bit to taper the cheeks in. Use the side of the bit to make the head narrower where the eyes are. (Just a little dimple right next to the eye) Use the face bit to rough in the eye. Start the eye by creating a 1/2 cylinder Do both eyes, focus on making them the same level & size Carve back the area next to the mouth Close up of previous step Using the top of the face bit, shape the eye. you can even make eyelids with the tip Carve the mouth, & tuck the lower lip under the upper lip in the cormers Alternate using the Face bit & a Chisel to shape the hair. The more layers the better Using a Pistol grip sander, Sand the brow cheeks & chin Using A Rotary Knife, Detail the hair. Detail each level seperatly Sand the face with a piece of Green sand paper