Start with both blocks positioned horizontally
Lift 1 block up (go a 1/2″ higher than flush)
Slide top block onto bottom block
Carefully position the top block
For this sculpture I need a 5″ overhang
Using a sawing motion, run the handsaw through the seam
This will remove ice from the ice that is touching
Repeat this process from the other side
Repeat until both surfaces touch nicely
Using a Large Ladle, pour water over the top of the block
The water will be chilled as it runs down the surface of the ice & into the seam
Repeat this process on the back side.
I recommend a large ladle
Water should fill in the entire area.
Be patient, it takes a few minutes to freeze
This moose was carved from the above ice.
You can see why we needed to offset the top block by 5″