Your school can host ice carving workshops-
Choose one or both from below. Workshops will be offered-
You inspire your students daily, Aaron will compliment your program by providing a unique educational experience for your students.
Tool Customers receive an “Education Credit”- Take 10% of the tools that you purchased from Elegant Ice in the 12 months leading up to the workshop & deduct that from the stipend.
In addition to the stipend you are responsible for- Lodging, Airfare (or mileage .50/mile) & Ice
Aaron will expand upon your current knowledge of-
Designing & Block layoutTool lists & Competition timelines
Aaron will create a competition sculpture
Stipend- $550
Aaron will expand upon your current knowledge of-
How to freeze ice together
How to carve simple geometric shapes
How to carve a seafood display
Stipend- $550
Photos from past Workshops-This workshop included- 4 block Heron, flower inside the ice & a Sphere