Chisel Sharpening

Looking for chisel sharpening and repair?

Contact Harvey Russell

Harvey has been sharpening knives since he was 7.

Nothing gives him the same satisfaction or sense of accomplishing perfection as making a razor sharp edge.

He takes great pride in his work, and your chisels will return with a better than brand new working edge.

3″ flat sharpen $15/ kydex cover $15

2″ flat sharpen $12/ kydex cover $12

1″ flat sharpen $10/ kydex cover $10

large V sharpen $15/ kydex cover $10

Medium V sharpen $10/ kydex cover $8

Medium gouge sharpen $12/ kydex cover $12

Ice knife sharpen $15/kydex cover $20

(Add an extra $5 for chisels/knife with deep chips (1/16″) out of the cutting edge)

Also capable of re-handling broken or worn out chisels.

We use a Makita #98202 Chisel Sharpener

As you can see we modified the blade holder to accept a Chisel

Adjust the height & angle of the guide

Notice the water reservoir- Fill & turn the black dial slightly to allow a dribble of water out

Be sure the Chisel is at a 90 degree angle to the guide

Place the chisel and bracket on the guide & slowly move back & forth across the spinning stone

Unfortunately practice is necessary to get a good edge

Using a leather Strop

Place the Chisel at the front of the Strop

Press the Chisel down against the strop & drag it to you

Click here to see which ice carving chisels we offer